Competences & Download
Our products are your packaging
Our all-around protection for your fillings.
Go Green
Towards a sustainable future with Roundliner.
Packaging according to your requirements.
Your disposable packaging turns to reusable packaging.

Quality management
The quality management of ROUNDLINER based on the DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 norm is constantly developed further and therefore ensures constant product quality and process capability of our products.
GMP management is an integral part of quality management. GMP stands for “Good Manufacturing Practice”.

Hygiene Management & Food Safety
The ROUNDLINER management system for food safety, based on the DIN EN ISO 22000 norm “Food safety – requirements for organizations in the food chain”, guarantees compliance with the Law on Consumer Goods, i.e., all legal provisions based on the 1935/2004/EC framework Regulation. Integrated hygiene management ensures that food contact materials are produced under hygienically clean conditions. The hygiene risk analysis (HACCP analysis) describes the handling of critical steering points.

Environmental management
ROUNDLINER undertakes active environmental protection at all its plants. We regularly question our processes by ecological criteria.

Services & logistics
Our employees are committed to service. We select our logistics partners according to quality aspects and guarantee delivery of your goods daily.

Development & Technical Service
ROUNDLINER develops tailored industrial liners in close collaboration with the customer and selected suppliers.
Our application engineers and developers have many years of experience in process engineering and raw materials expertise. Our innovations are always the basis for sustainable business.
Protecting your products optimally and using resources carefully are the central ideas of our sustainability concept. We take responsibility for sustainable action and business. This is why we always produce and develop our LINERS taking into account economic, ecological and social aspects.
Personnel development
ROUNDLINER promotes motivated employees. We communicate on equal terms and recognize the talents of our employees. We constantly invest in the qualification of our employees to keep our quality and service promise.
Code of conduct
ROUNDLINER has subscribed to the Code of Conduct of the GKV [“Gesamtverband der Kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie e.V.”: German Association of the Plastics Converters]. Our employees are trained to comply with national and international guidelines.
Roundliner GmbH
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 19
D-76694 Forst
Phone: +49 7251 9779 11
Roundliner GmbH and
Speciální obaly Cheb s.r.o.
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 (DE)
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 (EN)
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 (EN)
DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 (EN)
DIN EN ISO 22000:2015 (EN)
Roundliner GmbH
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 19
D-76694 Forst
Phone: +49 7251 9779 11
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